For those of you coming to the story about pregnancy doping late, and wondering what on earth those translations I published this morning are all about, some context -
The Observer published a history of cheating in sport on the 15th November that featured allegations of pregnancy doping in the USSR gymnastics team at the 1968 Olympics. The allegations were pivotal to their story, although they could have chosen a different example to make their point. I have now published three articles on RRG about this - the first an opinion piece with reference to sources refuting the allegation, and this morning translations of two Russian language reports from 1998 and 2001, including a Vladimir Golubev interview with Karasyova in which she describes the whole story as a 'monstrous' lie. The chronology has become clearer, and a few confusions been cleared up.
I wanted these pieces to go on the record in the English language.
I have written to the Observer readers' editor twice about this, on the grounds of accuracy, requesting a prominent clarification in view of this archival evidence that the story was bogus. I do think that they should correct their story, don't you?
Here are the links to the stories published on this blog, in case anyone wants to follow how things have developed. The articles include all the links and sources you will need.