Without too many major errors the team looked well prepared and confident. Their overall score of 224.85 would have placed them fourth in qualifying at the 2014 World Championships, ahead of Britain but just behind their own senior team. Sokova's superb beam routine, which earned a 14.8 thanks to strong execution, would have been Russia's highest beam score at that stage of the competition. Tutkhalyan's 57.4 AA score would have placed her 7th in qualifying, or more significantly Russia's second all arounder.
Melnikova and Tutkhalyan both performed steadily to make a case for themselves as up and coming all arounders, with Tutkhalyan surely sealing her place on the team for the upcoming European Games. She showed courage as well as consistency in nailing her full twisting layout on beam and only needs to clean up a little more all around to add those precious tenths that will make her competitive at world level.
You can find complete scores here - http://dati.federginnastica.it/articoli/allegato_8680.pdf
And videos here - https://m.youtube.com/#/user/Tanya9219/videos
and more videos here, including podium training and some routines not covered by live streaming - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8T4sSh0bcAs
Molodyets, girls! Keep working!!