We are all looking forward to the Championships - quals start next Wednesday. The BBC is covering finals - here is the broadcast schedule as per their website - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/gymnastics/32173972
Friday 17 April 13.00-15.00 BST BBC2 (AA final, WAG)
Friday 17 April 17.30-2015 BST Red button (AA final, MAG)
Saturday 18 April 13.00-15.00 BST BBC1 (Event finals)
Sunday 19 April 13.30-16.00 BST BBC2 (Event finals)
Nominative registrations (list by name of all competitors) - http://www.gymnasticsresults.com/euro/2015/nomreg.pdf
You will be able to follow scores at http://www.longinestiming.com/Sport?sport=GA
Schedule below - (GAF - WAG; GAM - MAG)
Link to official website - http://www.montpelliergym2015.fr
ENJOY! Good luck to all those who participate!